We will have a workshop at UIST'24 on Oct, 13th (Sun). Register here and visit the workshop website for more details!


For centuries, humans have invented new representations such as languages, notations, and diagrams to externalize our thoughts and use them to conceive and develop powerful abstractions.

They have enabled us to discover solutions to complex problems and to grasp and articulate ideas of immense complexity.

Historically, however, the limitations of static mediums have constrained our experiences and minds to static representations and tools.

By entrapping us within the fixed boundaries and functionalities, static mediums underutilize our cognitive capabilities and hinder our progress as they cannot adapt to the dynamic nature of human thinking.

With AI and dynamic mediums, we can now develop dynamic representations and tools––as seen in recent works like
embodied maths
Animated GIF
reactive AR visualizations
Animated GIF
––that enable us to think, create, and communicate in more powerful ways.

This working group is committed to bridging this gap and moving us into the next chapter.


Our mission is to advance the field of dynamic representations and tools through research and the development of innovative tools. We strive to build a vibrant community of enthusiasts and professionals interested in this domain, providing a collaborative space for sharing knowledge and learning. By fostering an environment of discussion and exploration, we aim to enhance understanding and facilitate advancements in dynamic representations and tools.


develop and articulate our vision

  • Contribute to the broader discourse through various media and channels.

build and support a community

  • Organize events and opportunities for networking, mentoring, and collaboration to foster professional development and cooperation among community members.


rubaiat habib kazi Rubaiat H. Kazi Adobe Research
sangho suh Sangho Suh Univ of Toronto
ian arawjo Ian Arawjo Univ of Montreal
hari subramonyam Hari Subramonyam Stanford Univ
hai dang Hai Dang Univ of Bayreuth
nazmus saquib Nazmus Saquib Universal Machine Inc.
jingyi li Jingyi Li Pomona College

join us


We are building a community.

Join our Discord server


Sign up for occasional news about meetups, talks, and research related to dynamic abstractions:


For any questions, please email to dynamicabstractions [at] gmail [dot] com.